Iran Culture House , New Delhi is working for the promotion of mutual understanding and cultural co-operation among people in India and Iran in line with the principles of our cultural heritage. Our aim is to create enduring partnership
between Iran and other cultures, and we do this by creating opportunities to connect with the latest skills, ideas and experience from Iran.
Our activities in the field of culture is to promote mutual understanding among peoples of different cultures, to preserve and promote cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, and to enhance the cultural activities and creativity.
The Culture House has a very rich library consisting of more than 20,000 books in the field of Persian language and literature. Besides books on human science, history of Iran, Islamic studies, world history, religions, sufism and philosophy, a large number of books on social science, political science, culture and art are also available for readers and scholars. Besides a good number of bilingual and multilingual Persian dictionaries have also been obtained for the benefit of scholars. The membership of the library is open to all.